Aan buitenlanders valt lastig uit te leggen hoe in Nederland met zo veel partijen in de Tweede Kamer een kabinet te vormen valt.
Na de inspanningsbelofte van Rutger kreeg Asscher niet waar bij om had gevraagd en stemde dus in: geen demissionaire kabinetscrisis over lerarensalarsissen; geen beslissing daarover in de begroting 2018 door het huidige kabinet, maar misschien/waarschijnlijk daarover een beslissing in een regeera
After a gruelling year of ESST, marked by an especially challenging thesis-writing period, I am a graduate! In this post, I reflect on what ESST has done for me and answer the burning question that I get all the time: "So, what's next?"
On 6 June, IGIR fellow Dr. Iveta Alexovičová, Assistant Professor of International Economic Law, Faculty of Law, Maastricht University, delivered a lecture entilted "Substance alongside procedure - a lesson learned?".
Was the original revised ISDS System not enough? It seems that the traditional international investment agreements (IIA) concluded by States do no longer enjoy the legitimacy from civil society and academics.
“The fact that there is a maximum number of hours in a week that you are allowed to work, that web shops are compelled to provide you with the option to return your purchase within seven days, that our tap water must meet certain requirements.
One of the major achievements from European integration is the principle of mutual recognition. (Dutch only)
Eén van de grote verworvenheden van Europese integratie is het beginsel van de wederzijdse erkenning.
In July 1995, thousands of Muslim Bosniak men were deported from the enclave Srebrenica and subsequently killed by the Bosnian Serb army under the command of Ratko Mladić.