- inaugural lectures & valedictory lectures
Valedictory lecture prof.dr. Sjef van Erp
Title of the lecture: "All good things come to an end, but acces remains"
- PhD Defence
Online PhD conferral mr. Maximilian Vollmer
"Financial Instruments and their Proportionality and Consistency under EU Law"
- PhD Defence
On-Site PhD conferral mr. Remy Jorritsma
"International responsibility and attribution of conduct: An analysis of case law on human rights and humanitarian law"
- inaugural lectures & valedictory lectures
Inaugural lecture Prof. dr. Herke R. Kranenborg
Title of the lecture: "The state of data protection in the European Union - 20 years after the Lindqvist case"
It could come straight out of Stanley Kubrick’s dystopian movie A Clockwork Orange: using direct brain stimulation to reduce aggressive behaviour. For PhD student Ruben Knehans, it’s his daily business. Aside from the medical complexity, it raises all sorts of questions. Is it ethical, for example, to modify someone's behaviour? Can you justify imposing brain stimulation on convicts under criminal law? How to set rules and standards? Ruben tries to answer these questions in his PhD research at UM’s Faculty of Law.
"De Europese profvoetbalsector is zeer kwetsbaar voor witwaspraktijken en grote belastingfraudes, maar zowel binnen als buiten de sector wordt collectief de andere kant op gekeken."
UNESCO heeft dr. Andrea Broderick (UHD bij de capgroep Internationaal en Europees Recht) per 1 september 2022 benoemd tot nieuwe leerstoelhouder (hoogleraar) op de UNESCO-leerstoel Human Rights and Peace aan de Universiteit Maastricht.
As of 1 January, Sarah Schoenmaekers has been part-time appointed professor of construction law at the faculty of law of UHasselt.
Professor Bruno de Witte neemt afscheid van Maastricht University, maar niet van het Europees recht. Hij gaat aan het Europese Universiteitsinstituut (EUI) in Florence door met zijn messcherpe juridische analyses.
The topic of cross-border cooperation plays only a modest role in the party manifestos for the upcoming provincial elections, even in border provinces. This is one of the findings of a thematic analysis by researchers from ITEM, Maastricht University’s transnational expertise centre.