Sanjay Rastogi (S.)


Prof. Rastogi is professor in the Biobased materials research group at Maastricht University where he provides leadership to a group of 2 PhDs, 3 post-docs and a team of six newly appointed assistant professors.  The research focuses on a basic understanding to design molecular structure for desired physical properties, and to develop optimal processing techniques in order to produce products with the required macroscopic properties. To accomplish this goal, we have adopted chain-of-knowledge approach combining chemistry, physics and rheological aspects of polymer science. We frequently collaborate with other researchers from around the world.

Prof. Rastogi is also Chair in Polymer Technology at the Loughborough University, UK. From where he is seconded to Teijin Aramid, Arnhem (NL) to transfer our solvent free concept for the development of high modulus high strength tapes required for body armor protection. I chair future innovation programs and steer teams in bringing fundamental concepts to market. For details on the industrial developments of our basic research please visit the websites and



2011 - 2016 Outstanding Scientist of Council for Science and Industrial Research (CSIR) India

2008            Principal Scientist, Teijin Aramid, Arnhem (on secondment)

2006            Professor, Polymer Technology, Loughborough University, UK

2000 - 2013  Associate Professor, Eindhoven University, The Netherlands

2013            Professor, Bio-based program, Maastricht University, The Netherlands

2003 - 2004  Max Planck Society Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Polymers, Germany (on sabbatical), running joint projects to date and is a visiting fellow.

1995 - 2000  Assistant Professor, Eindhoven University, The Netherlands

1994 - 1995  Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

1992 - 1994  Research Fellow, Eindhoven University, The Netherlands                         

1987 - 1991  Worked in the group of Prof. P.J. Lemstra. Research Fellow, Bristol University, England;

1985 - 1992  In the group of the Late Professor A. Keller, F.R.S.Lecturer, Lucknow University, India