Call for papers

‘Marital Captivity: Divorce, Religion and Human Rights’
International MARICAP Conference 2016
24-25 November 2016
Maastricht University
The Netherlands

In this international conference we aim to share and exchange ideas, research findings and experiences regarding the phenomenon of ‘marital captivity’ in different geographical areas, besides the Netherlands/Europe. Marital captivity refers to a situation wherein someone is unable to terminate his or her religious marriage, i.e. keeping a spouse 'trapped' in a marriage against his or her will. We intend to foster a multidisciplinary dialogue, with contributions drawn from, most importantly, legal anthropology, (international) family law and human rights law, in order to address the issue of marital captivity from an integrated perspective.

The conference committee therefore encourages and invites researchers from various countries and disciplines (e.g. law, anthropology, sociology, political science) to submit papers that will advance empirical and conceptual/theoretical knowledge and understanding of ‘marital captivity’.

Please read further our more detailed Call for Papers for the International MARICAP Conference ‘Marital Captivity: Divorce, Religion and Human Rights’.

Abstracts should reach us before 1 May 2016; This deadline has been extended to 1 June 2016! For more information you can contact one of the members of the MARICAP conference committee (see the call).

Please feel free to circulate this call among your interested peers and professional networks.

We look forward to receiving your abstract and welcoming you in Maastricht.

Best regards,

The MARICAP-research team
Susan Rutten, Esther van Eijk, Pauline Kruiniger en Benedicta Deogratias