Oude agenda

  • 30 nov

    Promotie Dhr. drs. Maarten van Beek

    “Spinal Cord Stimulation in Clinical and Experimental Painful Diabetic Polyneuropathy”

  • 30 nov 01 dec
    08:30 - 17:30

    EU Damages Directive - Advanced Seminar for Judges

    Dit seminar vindt volledig in het Engels plaats. 

    The Advanced Seminar is being organised by the University of Maastricht in cooperation with Lexxion Publisher as a part of the project of the Directorate-General for Competition “Training of national judges and judicial cooperation in the field of...

  • 28 nov

    Separatism and Sovereignty in the EU, i.e. Cataluña

    Studium Generale - Debate Cafe, Engelstalig
    Debate with: Prof. Jure Vidmar, Professor International and European Law, UM
    Arjan Schakel, PhD Assistant Professor in Research Methods Political Science, UM
    Pablo del Hierro, PhD, Assistant Professor in History, UM

    Moderator: Rob van Duijn, Studium...

  • 28 nov

    Separatism and Sovereignty in the EU, i.e. Cataluña

    Studium Generale - Debate Cafe, Engelstalig
    Debate with: Prof. Jure Vidmar, Professor International and European Law, UM
    Arjan Schakel, PhD Assistant Professor in Research Methods Political Science, UM
    Pablo del Hierro, PhD, Assistant Professor in History, UM
    Anna Herranz-Surralles, PhD, Assistant

  • 27 nov

    Being a Beast

    Studium Generlae - Lezing, Engelstalig
    Charles Foster, PhD, Senior Research Associate, Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics; Fellow Green Templeton College, Un. of Oxford

  • 27 nov

    The Golden Discovery of Merging Neutron Stars

    Studium Generale - Lecture
    Gideon Koekoek, PhD  
    Assistant professor at Maastricht Science Programme, UM

  • 24 nov

    Inauguratie Mw. prof.dr. Wendy Smits

    “De opmars van flexibele arbeid: gevolgen voor mens, organisatie en maatschappij’

  • 24 nov

    Promotie Mw. Laura R.M. Kurth, MSc.

    “Celebrating Diversity?; an empirical study of tensions between the discourses of assimilation and multiculturalism”

  • 24 nov

    Promotie Dhr. Bernard Nikaj, MSc.

    “From No-government to E-government”

  • 24 nov

    Promotie Mw. Linda M. Rolf, MSc.

    “Mapping the effects of vitamin D in multiple sclerosis: a 3D perspective”