M4i onderzoekers Dr. Berta Cillero Pastor and Prof. Maarten Honing participeren in DARTBAC project

Dr. Berta Cillero Pastor and Prof. Maarten Honing will spend the next 6 years developing new mass spectrometry (imaging) and SPR based solutions to address the explosively growing problem of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in orthopedic implants.

As part of the National Science Agenda, NWO is providing a grant of 9.8 million euros to the DARTBAC project led by Dr. Chris Arts (MUMC+): Dutch Antimicrobial Resistance Technology development and Biofilm Assessment Consortium. 

The team will study how bacteria grow on implant surfaces, to ultimately design materials which will drastically reduce undesired infections to take place.

For more information please visit: https://nwa-dartbac.nl

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