Dive into your career


Are you graduating soon or have you recently finished your studies? Are you thinking about some career-wise resolutions? Then we have something interesting for you!

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For the third time, UM Career Services offers the full-immersion one-week programme: Dive into your career. Especially designed to give nearly-graduates and alumni* all the tools they need to confidently start their job search and land their first ‘real’ job.

This programme requires your time and dedication in the week of 11-15 of July 2022. You will be working in a group of peers and it includes workshops and reflective practices like a personal development plan. You will walk away with a higher level of employability and a concrete approach on how to obtain a job that fits you. The entire programme takes place offline, mostly at the SSC building. And the best thing: it’s all for free!

*alumni who graduated less than six months ago

Overview of workshops

For a full description of the workshops and programme, see below.

  • Personal Development Plan
  • Discover your competences
  • Lecture: Networking skills
  • CV & Letter of application
  • Getting the most out of LinkedIn
  • Vacancy search

Registration and conditions

Registration will open on June 1st. There is a limited number of students that can register for this week. So if you choose to join, don’t hesitate and register now! Deadline for registration is the 3th of July.

Please block Monday 11 and Friday 15 July from 9:00-17:00h, Tuesday 12 and Thursday 14 July from 9:00-14:30h, and Wednesday 13 July from 10:00-12:00h for this programme. For the programme on Monday 11 July the group will be divided in two. One will be active in the morning, the other in the afternoon. The final planning will be send to you a week before the start.

We ask for a deposit of € 35 to secure your seat upon registration. This deposit will be refunded after you have attended the programme for at least 80%.

Full programme description

Monday 11 July

Tuesday 12 July

  • Workshop: Discover your competences
    What kind of a person are you? What drives you? What are you looking for? And what are you capable of? You will discover your competences and get insight into your key assets, qualities and motives.

“This workshop helped me to create a brief description of myself based on my work experience and my career aspirations. It was really useful, because now I added it to my LinkedIn profile.”

- Joedith López, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

  • Lunch (self organized)
  • Reflection in small groups (un-supervised)
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Wednesday 13 July

  • Lecture: Networking skills
    Everyone talks about it and everybody seems to know how to do it. Networking. It is the best way to get detailed information about the job market, job openings and possibilities. Actually, up to 70% of current positions are found via networking. But how do you go about it? This interactive lecture provides hands-on tips to build a helpful network that supports you in your transition from university into the job market. Some questions that will be answered:
    - Where and when do I start networking?
    - How to network in a room full of strangers?
    - How can I use my network to find out more about interesting job openings?
    - What can I offer to my network?

  • Optional lunch (self organized)
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Thursday 14 July

  • Workshop: CV & letter of application
    In this workshop you will get answers to questions like:
    - What should my CV look like?
    - Can I use the same CV for all vacancies?
    - What about side jobs, do I only mention them if they are relevant to the job?

We will also:
- produce a clearly structured and accessible CV, according to guidelines and requirements;
- identify the needs and demands of the employer with regard to the application documents;
- distinguish the relevant steps in a recruitment and selection process;
- evaluate your match with a vacancy and identify your unique selling points;
- create a structured, compelling and convincing letter of application for all vacancies.

  • Lunch (self organized)
  • Reflection in small groups (un-supervised)
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Friday 15 July

  • Workshop: Getting the most out of Linkedin
    Networking is a trainable skill. In this workshop we will address the do’s and don’ts of online networking. We will focus on the functionalities that Linkedin has to offer and we will answer frequently asked questions on the topic.
  • Workshop: Vacancy search
    Are you looking to find a first job? Or do you want to do an internship or volunteer to develop professional competencies and explore the labour market? In this workshop, you find out how to approach your online search for opportunities. You learn about search techniques, from identifying interesting vacancy platforms to using the right search terms.
  • Reflection on the week and personal development plan
    The final activity is about bringing together everything you have discovered and learned during this week and to create a personal outlook for the near future.
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