03 nov
13:30 - 18:00
Discussion on Prevention and Support

Sexual Assault and Harassment at UM


In June 2021, Amnesty International Netherlands published a report on rape amongst students ‘Studenten over verkrachting’.
In the light of the outcomes of this report and also in the light of insights gained into experiences of our own student community, UM is organizing a working conference.

On Wednesday 3 November Maastricht University will host a conference on the topic of ‘Sexual Assault and Harassment – Prevention and Support at UM and in Maastricht’.


The conference will be moderated by dr. Constance Sommerey.

  • 13.30 - Walk-in and registration
  • 14.00 - Welcome and introduction by Prof. dr. Rianne Letschert
  • 14.05 - 15.30 | Part I: Public > Live stream

- Dagmar Oudshoorn - Director Amnesty International Netherlands
- Janna Willems & Alex Fletcher introducing Amnesty's 'Let's Talk About YES' campaign 
- dr. Iva Bicanic - Director Centre for Sexual Violence (Centrum voor Seksueel Geweld - CSG)
- Vivian Smeets - Coordinator CSG Limburg
- Alice Wellum - UM Report on 'Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment among UM Students'

Panel discussion: Rianne Letschert, Dagmar Oudshoorn, Vivian Smeets, Alice Wellum, Alex Fletcher

Signing Ceremony:
- Alex Fletcher - introducing #LetsTalkAboutYES at university - Manifesto
- Rianne Letschert - signing manifesto

  • 15.45 - 17.00 | Part II: Closed
    - Internal work conference for invited internal and external guests to discuss relevant elements of sexual violence prevention and support. Discussion points include identifying structures and services available, gaps at UM and in Maastricht.


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