15 sep
Studium Generale | Talkshow, Engelstalig

Canceled: LET’S TALK Student Life in Times of Covid-19


2020 has been a rocky ride so far. After a hack, that led to inaccessible online learning environments and some study delay, in March 2020 the Covid-19 pandemic cancelled all of your social life. Online teaching, online exams, but most importantly: no parties, social drinks, dating, clubbing with friends and spontaneous drinks after class. International students were not able to travel home or return home after a semester abroad. Although Covid-19 seems to be harmless to youngsters, all of us had to stay inside. Which parts of the online classes do you consider an improvement? How does this crisis affect your dreams and ambitions for the future? What is the impact of the economic crisis on international student life?

Together with experts and you, the audience, we will explore these topics and share our experiences of the past couple of months. 

President of the INKOM Milou Berdenis van Berlekom, Jennifer Ellwood, President of ESN Maastricht,
Sibren Fetter, Career Counselor, and UM Psychologist Wendy Geijen.
Singer songwriter WhyBe will perform.

LET’S TALK is a programme in which we not only give the floor to experts, but also challenge the audience to speak up and interact.

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