29 okt
12:30 - 17:00
ITEM Event

B-solutions Closing Event

*Only available in English*

ITEM and the Province of Limburg (NL) are glad to announce that the workshop marking the conclusion of the B-solutions Project “Roadmap and Factsheet for the Recognition of Qualifications for Highly Demanded Professions” on 29 October 2019, was a success! 

Complexities regarding the recognition of qualifications for regulated professions can pose a challenge to both citizens as well as the professionals supporting them. Available information is plenty but can be hard to navigate. Moreover, little is known about what happens behind the scenes when competent authorities evaluate professional qualifications. In this context, this B-solutions pilot project proposed two documents to improve information provision and enhance the transparency of recognition procedures for a selection of highly demanded regulated professions. First, a roadmap aimed at first line supporters such as job mediators and cross-border information point employees. Second, a factsheet aimed at citizens. Both documents aim to boost cross-border mobility and employability by improving recognition.

The B-solutions pilot project, submitted by the Province of Limburg as lead applicant and carried out by ITEM, brings together partners along the Dutch border comprising partners from the Netherlands, Belgium, North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony. This workshop marks the conclusion of the project and features a presentation of the final roadmaps and factsheets, findings made throughout the project, and panel discussions on how to improve information provision on recognition of qualifications now and in the future.

On Tuesday 29 October, the B-solutions project was sucessfully concluded. Below you can find the PowerPoint slides and pictures. 

PowerPoint 1 Lavinia Kortese
PowerPoint 2 Hildegard Schneider
PowerPoint 3


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