Michal Natorski (M.K.)

Uitgebreid profiel is alleen beschikbaar in Engels.

Dr. Michal Natorski is an assistant professor (tenured) in policy analysis and governance with focus on International Relations and global governance institutions at the United Nations University-MERIT and its School of Governance. He is also a Visiting Professor in the College of Europe (Natolin Campus).

Prior to coming to the Maastricht University he was Marie Skłodowska Curie Research Fellow at the University of Liege (2015-2016), Senior Research Fellow at the College of Europe (2012-2014), and Associate Lecturer and Research Fellow in International Relations at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2006-2012). He conducted some of his research projects as Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions Fellow at the Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (2019), Jose Castillejo Visiting Researcher at the London School of Economic and Political Science (2012), and Visiting Fellow at the Aberystwyth University (2011), the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (2011) and the Freie Universitäit Berlin (2007). He completed his PhD and MSc (Diploma de Estudios Avanzados) in International Relations and European Integration from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and his MA in International Relations from the Institute of International Relations at the University of Warsaw.

Michal’s research interests include the international governance of crises and disruptive phenomena, the EU foreign policy, international practices, renewable energy governance transition, and the global and European development cooperation and diffusion of public policies. Currently his research concentrates on the development, application, and regulation of Artificial Intelligence in International Organizations (in particular, the EU and UN system) and the emergence and diffusion of innovative practices of governance in International Organizations. His most recent research projects focused on the renewable energy transitions in Latin America countries (in collaboration with Inter-American Development Bank) and the evolution of EU foreign policy financial instruments in international cooperation and crisis response (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship).

His work has appeared, among others, in Journal of European IntegrationEuropean Journal of International RelationsJournal of Common Market StudiesJournal of European Public PolicyCooperation and Conflict, East European Politics, and Journal of Politics and Language. Michal also co-edited with Benedetta Voltolini and Colin Hay the book Crisis and Politicisation. The Framing and Re-framing of Europe’s Permanent (Routledge, 2021) and with E. Korosteleva and L. Simao the book EU Policies in the Eastern Neighbourhood. The Practices Perspective(Routledge, 2014).