Dr V. Melotte

After her bachelor Laboratory and Nutritional Technology (Leuven, Belgium), Veerle Melotte studied Biomedical Health Science at Maastricht University (The Netherlands) where she also received her PhD degree in 2010. During her PhD period,  Dr. Veerle Melotte identified NDRG4 methylation as a promising biomarker for the early detection for colorectal cancer. This biomarker is incorporated in the FDA-approved Cologuard® test (Exact Science, Madison, USA) which is currently in use in the USA.


In 2013, she became an assistant professor at Maastricht University Medical Center (The Netherlands), and she obtained several personal grants (KWF personal grant - VENI) to start her own research line. Currently her group explores the role of the enteric nervous system in colorectal carcinogenesis using/developing new 3D-models-, co-culture systems and in vivo models.


In addition to her position in Maastricht, she holds a part-time position at Clinical Genetics Department at the Erasmus Mc Rotterdam (The Netherlands) since 2016.

Email: veerle.melotte@maastrichtuniversity.nl