
  • Portret van Sophie Vanhoonacker, decaan van de Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences: “Als ik ernaar gevraagd word, wil ik best iets vertellen over mezelf. Maar de meeste mensen praten graag.”

  • Each year, various publications such as the Financial Times and Times Higher Education release university rankings, rating schools on various criteria to indicate which programmes offer the best educational investment. Although there are differing views on what these ratings actually reveal, Peter...

  • Originally from Australia, Melanie Feeney's career path includes the completion of a master's degree in sustainability in Sydney, research on sustainable business in remote and rural Australia and Southeast Asia as well as a role as Education Development Officer at UM. Building on her extensive...

  • In het kader van het Europese Horizon 2020 innovatieproject MaTHiSiS leerden onderzoekers machines hoe ze jou dingen moeten leren door te leren van het letten op jou terwijl je leert.

  • Coschappen in de master Geneeskunde: een mooie, maar ook een intensieve, pittige tijd. Coassistenten bespreken hun voortgang met een mentor en werkplekbegeleider, maar sinds dit academisch jaar hebben ze ook reflecterende bijeenkomsten met andere coassistenten. Zonder beoordeling, zonder...

  • The Maastricht debate, a political debate between the “Spitzenkandidaten” of the leading European parties took place last Monday, 29 April at the theatre at the Vrijthof. Simultaneously, the debate was live broadcast on the Vrijthof square for all interested spectators who did not get the chance to...

  • The Econometric Game is a yearly event in Amsterdam, often dubbed as the World Championships of Econometrics, and took place this year from April 10th to April 12th. Maastricht University has been a consistent participant in the game for the last ten years, battling it out with the likes of Harvard...

  • Het project van de studenten Debbie Markusse en Rachita Munshi viel afgelopen zondag in de prijzen tijdens de jaarlijkse Stadsgoudcompetitie van het Elisabeth Strouven Fonds.