ICIS-Researcher Nicole Rijkens-Klomp verdedigde haar proefschrift!

Nicole Rijkens-Klomp defended her PhD thesis: “Foresight for strategic policies; lessons from local practice”. Her research focusses on the ways foresights methods can be used as an strategic and innovation tool in local policy oriented contexts. 

About Nicole Rijkens-Klomp

In 1998 Nicole started to work at ICIS as an advisor and researcher on future analysis and strategic planning. In 2004 she left ICIS to found a new company. Five years later Nicole joins ICIS again for one day a week in combination with her activities at Pantopicon.

Nicole Rijkens is a PhD researcher on scenario analysis and sustainable innovation. She is focusing on the way qualitative scenario analysis can be used as an innovation tool in policy oriented contexts. She will pay special attention to the characteristics of scenarios themselves, including the way scenarios are communicated, and the way the scenarios are developed and used as innovation tool.

In 1998 Nicole started to work at ICIS as an advisor and researcher on future analysis and strategic planning. In 2004 she left ICIS to found a new company together with Nik Baerten and Michael van Lieshout. This company named Pantopicon offers tailor-made services in the area of foresight (especially scenario analysis) and vision development to customers in both the public and the private domain. Now, after 5 years Nicole joins ICIS again for one day a week in combination with her activities at Pantopicon   

About ICIS

ICIS is Maastricht University’s scientific institute for sustainable development. ICIS vision is that research, education and learning for sustainable development provides a knowledge base for policymaking and innovation in the pursuit of sustainability. ICIS contributes to the scientific debate about sustainable development, but also tries to achieve a constructive social impact towards sustainability in practice. Therefore ICIS collaborates intensively with other partners, such as governments, business, NGOs and other research institutes. ICIS is hosting MUST, the Graduate School which offers a PhD programme and Master programme in Sustainability Science and Policy.

ICIS, your knowledge partner for sustainable development.

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