14 okt
14:00 - 22:00

UM Connect Day 2023

[Event in English]

Are you a UM alum / external professional looking for opportunities to develop yourself in a fast-changing labour market, learn new skills to keep up, and at the same time create meaningful impact? And would you like to meet (or re-connect with) like-minded professionals? Then join us for the very first edition of the UM Connect Day, which takes place on Saturday 14 October at Tapijnkazerne, Maastricht.

Get inspired, expand your network and become acquainted with the wide range of development opportunities within the UM. Subscribe for a variety of interactive breakout sessions, provided by internal UM parties. We kick off plenary with interesting speakers and wrap up with a festive barbecue.

Practical info

When: Saturday 14 October 2023
Where: Tapijnkazerne 11, 6211 ME Maastricht
Time: 14.00 till approx. 22.00

Language: all sessions will be in English
Entrance fee: 10,-*. Tickets will be available soon. Capacity is limited, so do not wait too long!

* All proceeds are donated to the new Equity and Inclusion Programme of the University Fund LimburgThe programme facilitates scholarships for underprivileged youth from the region, and supports projects focused on equality at UM.

13:00 - 14:00        Registration and reception
14:00 - 14:15        Opening and introduction by Bouwien Janssen - Director Development & Alumni Relations
14:15 - 14:45        Presentation: 'AIpocalypse now? Governing the future of work' by Professor Mark Levels
15:00 - 15:45        First break out session
16:00 - 16:45        Second break out session
16:45 - 17:15        Break
17:15 - 18:00        Third break out session
18:05 - 18:50        Alumni panel talk*
18:50 - 19:00        Closing by Bouwien Janssen
19:00 - 22:00        Barbecue and festive closing with networking

* with Rebecca Eggels, Supervisory Board Member Mijnraad, Philharmonie Zuid, Cicero and Buurtnetwerk; Eddie Langeweg, People Manager APG; and Prof. Dr. Jol Stoffers, Lector Employability at Zuyd Hogeschool, Professor of Employability at the Open Universiteit and Scientific Director of NEIMED, Socio-Economic Knowledge Institute.

Lifelong development

The world is changing fast. We face many transitions, creating both challenges as well as opportunities, which inevitably reflects on the equally transforming labour market. What will our working situation look like in, let’s say, 10 to 15 years? What impact will AI and automation have on our jobs? And how about the climate discussion, the ever-increasing globalization, the energy transition, and the challenges we face in healthcare? Just to name a few. In this complex landscape, professionals are expected to act fast, proactive and be flexible. Acquiring new knowledge and skills is essential in this, in order to keep up and at the same time create meaningful impact. By offering good, labour market-oriented education and training, UM can contribute to a better labour market position for its students, employees, alumni, and people in the region, regardless of their age, experience, and educational background. The UM would like to contribute to solving societal challenges arising from the various transitions and reduce the gap between supply and demand of knowledge and skills in the region.

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