21 apr
13:30 - 14:45
UM Sustainability Week presents:

Spatial Challenges of Today - Current Cases from the Province of Limburg

The Netherlands is extremely densely populated. Virtually all the land is in use, and various users are increasingly getting in each other's way. Space has become a scarce commodity. Challenges in the housing market, the energy transition, the nitrogen crisis, and traditional economic development are symptoms of the battle for space. It seems we want (too) much in a small area. On the basis of several propositions, together with the students, we would like to discuss the spatial challenges the province is facing.

The following preliminary list of themes will be discussed during the workshop:

The challenges associated with renewable energy development (wind and solar parks): impact on nature, local communities, and spatial quality;
Electric vehicle production with global impact at the cost of a local forest clearing;
Acceleration of the transition of cultured meat in relation to traditional agriculture and nutrition standards;
The decline of the landscape due to primary economic activities.

Who are we? The Federation for Nature and Environment in Limburg (Natuur en Milieufederatie Limburg) is the provincial representative for nature, environment and landscape in Limburg. In this role, the organisation joins forces with those who want to realize the transition to an energy-neutral and climate-proof society. Ultimately, we want to achieve that sustainability is a self-evident and valued consideration in the actions of citizens, administrators and entrepreneurs. Involving students in local climate debates: Our youth platform is committed to giving the youth a stronger voice in the climate and environmental discussions. With a dozen of young students who care about nature and the environment in Limburg, our youth platform was launched in 2021. Will you join us?

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