24 sep
15:00 - 19:00

Opening Tapijn A Student Sustainability Hub

UM created a dedicated space for collaboration and knowledge exchange amongst the different initiatives and students active in sustainability at Tapijn A.

Taskforce Sustainable UM2030 collaborated with the Green Office and the student-led network Klimaat Actie Netwerk (KAN) Maastricht (Precious Plastics Maastricht, Foodcoop, Maastricht4Climate, KAN Party). 

Tapijn A will be a temporary location available for meetings, workshops, small-scale events and other activities related to sustainability. The building has not been renovated, so facilities are limited and low-tech. Tapijn A has been set up as a place for students, but UM employees are very welcome to join and to co-organise events.

Liasons meeting Student Sustainability Hub

The day will start with a liasons meeting, from 8:30-10:30 hours. The purpose of the meeting is to get to know the Student Sustainability Hub and each other, while exchanging ideas and expectations. Taskforce Sustainable UM2030, Green Office and a KAN representative will be present.

The SDG flag will be raised for the opening.

8.30-8.45           Walk in (1st floor)
8:45-9:15           Welcome by Prof. dr. Peter Møllgaard, chair Taskforce Sustainable UM2030 and other members
Short presentation of what we are working on
10:00-10:30         Connect with others and/or just walk around and have a look at the information provided

Official opening Student Sustainability Hub

From 15h onwards, the organisations based in the building will host meet & greet stands or workshops.

Here you can meet Taskforce Sustainable UM2030, Green Office, Food Coop, Foodsharing,
KAN Party, Maastricht for Climate and Precious Plastic Maastricht.

Act for Global Goals festival 

The opening op the Student Sustainability Hub is taking place during the Act for Global Goals festival from 24 till 26 September. The event is meant to shine light on the local initiatives that put sustainability at their core. As a festival visitor you will visit places you have never visited before. Enjoy walks, workshops, tastings and lectures and be inspired to roll up your sleeves yourself.

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