24 nov
09:00 - 12:00

Intercultural training by the Maastricht Young Academy

The Maastricht Young Academy is organising an intercultural training that is designed for individuals who want to become familiar with how cultural norms can determine behaviour and interactions with colleagues and students. 

Anyone working with people from different cultural backgrounds will notice that they have particular preferences when it comes styles of communication, time keeping, giving negative feedback, and hierarchy. 

This training is suitable for anyone working in a (international) team and for tutors/teachers that interact with international students.  The training will explore these differences as well as help participants navigate around different cultural styles in order to facilitate harmonious interaction and smoother productivity.”

You can take part of this training on 24 November from 9:00-12:00. The same training will also take place on 21 October from 9:00-12:00. Possibly more training dates will follow.

Nava Hinrichs-Pasutto will be facilitating the training.

Max 20 people can participate per training.

Nava Hinrichs-Passuto

Nava Hinrichs-Passuto is the Head of Executive Education and Capacity Building in Migration at the UNU-MERIT and the Maastricht Graduate School of Governance where she heads various training and capacity building programs, including the Migration Management Diploma Program (MMDP) for migration professionals.

She was previously Managing Director of The Hague Process on Refugees and Migration (THP) and CEO of M-Capital, a social enterprise subsidiary of THP.  She was Senior Advisor on Diversity and Inclusion with Better Future, a bespoke consultancy firm based in The Netherlands with a global reach. 

She has taught courses on International Migration Law as part of the MMDP in Maastricht. Previously, she lectured at the University of Witwatersrand (South Africa) in Human Rights Law and Politics. 

Mrs Hinrichs has worked as a legal advisor for asylum seekers in Cairo, focusing on unaccompanied minors.  She also has experience working with internally displaced persons in Colombia as well as in the UK.  Mrs Hinrichs holds an MA in Human Rights Law and Development (School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London) and a BA in European Studies (King’s College London, University of London). 

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