Haardvuurgesprek over Big Data





The era of Big Data has arrived and is becoming a part of our daily lives. Whilst it brings many challenges it also creates exciting opportunities for researchers, policy makers and entrepreneurs. Europe, through projects like the European Open Science Cloud and guided by the FAIR and FACT principles, aims to establish a solid foundation to promote responsible data science and artificial intelligence.

Come join us for a pleasant discussion after work for drinks and snacks. Meet our UM academics in person and get unique insights into their views and visions on the topic of Big Data. It's also an opportunity to ask any questions in order to learn more on the different perspectives regarding Big Data.

During this first edition of our Fireplace Talks, we will hear from two Maastricht University professors - Michel Dumontier, Professor of Data Science at the recently established Institute of Data Science, and Sally Wyatt, Professor of Digital Cultures at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Although, both are representing academia, they have different points of view on the topic of data sharing. This will lead to interesting exchanges and will open your mind to ideas you may not have thought about just yet. The professors will each give a short presentation in order to stimulate a discussion on the opportunities and challenges posed by more and open data. 

Participants are actively encouraged to ask questions and share their views following the presentations. The main purpose of the UM Campus Brussels Fireplace Talks is to create a unique dialogue between academics and participants whilst sharing Maastricht University's expertise on topical issues with a Brussels-based audience (alumni, students, interns, professionals, etc.) to foster mutual learning and understanding. 

The discussion will be moderated by Prof. Dr. Christine Neuhold, political scientist and Director of UM Campus Brussels.

Big Data FPT