24 nov

Fireplace Talk on Transparency and Accountability: the European Ombudsman


This is the second event in the Fireplace Talks on the 30th Anniversary of the Maastricht Treaty, organised by UM Campus Brussels. It will zoom in on one of the policy fields laid out by the Maastricht Treaty and in particular Transparency and Accountability. The discussion will focus on the European Ombudsman, featuring as the guest speakers Maastricht University's Dr. Andreea Năstase and Emily O'Reilly, the European Ombudsman.   


The event will be moderated by the Director of UM Campus Brussels, Prof. Mariolina Eliantonio and the Associate Director, Assistant Prof. Paul Stephenson


 This will be a hybrid event with people having the opportunity to connect online or join in-person at the UM Campus Brussels. 

Guest speakers

Andreea Nastase

Andreea Năstase

Dr. Andreea Năstase is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Maastricht University. She holds a PhD in Political Science from the Central European University (CEU), in Budapest, and an MA degree in Public Policy from the same university.

Before coming to Maastricht, she served as an adjunct faculty member at CEU's Department of Public Policy and a visiting fellow at the Leuven Institute for Criminology (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium); she also worked for the Romanian chapter of Transparency International. In her research, Andreea explores issues of public ethics and integrity in the context of EU governance.


Emily O'Reilly

Emily O'Reilly serves as European Ombudsman since July 2013. In her role as European Ombudsman, she investigates possible maladministration in the institutions and bodies of the European Union. 

From 2003 to 2013, Ms O'Reilly was the first female Ombudsman and Information Commissioner in Ireland. In addition, she was appointed Commissioner for Environmental Information in 2007.

As a former journalist, author and political editor, Ms. O'Reilly is highly regarded both nationally and internationally. She has authored three critically acclaimed books on Irish politics and media and is currently a member of the International Advisory Board of Harvard's Nieman Foundation for Journalism. During her journalistic career, she has won two awards: best female journalist in 1986 and journalist of the year in 1994.