08 dec
09:00 - 12:30

Fair and Smart Data webinar: Create a Better World on a Liveable Planet

(tekst alleen beschikbaar in het Engels)
The webinar is about the interlinkages between climate change, agricultural commodities, smallholders, payments for ecosystem services, and digitalisation. Fair and Smart Data (FSD) is a collaboration between Solidaridad, Rabobank, Maastricht University, and Maastricht School of Management.

During the webinar, you will learn about fairness in value chains, carbon credits and what role data plays in this transformation. The day starts with prominent expert speakers in those fields, then we will put our heads together in breakout rooms to brainstorm about interlinked topics. Hopefully you can attend the whole event, but it's also possible to join for either the presentations or the workshops.

Featuring prominent expert speakers

Jeroen Douglas, Executive Director, Solidaridad
Emma van de Ven, Strategy & Research Lead Acorn, Rabobank
Peter Møllgaard, R., Dean, Maastricht University SBE
Nik Baerten, Founder & Future explorer, Pantopicon
Ron Corvers, Fair and Smart Data Lead, Maastricht University MSI and BISCI

Interlinked Workshops

In separate break-out rooms

  • How to engage smallholder farmers in sustainable farming & land-use practices?
  • How to deliver value to smallholder farmers by implementing sustainable practices?
  • What is the role of multinationals in promoting sustainable practices at smallholder farmer's level?

Of course, we hope that you can attend the whole event, but it is also possible to join either the presentations or the workshops.


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