12 mei
Studium Generale | Debate

Euroscepticism and the 2014 European Parliament Elections

Polls across Europe are predicting a landslide win for Eurosceptic parties in the European Parliament elections of May 2014. What impact will the rise of these parties have on European integration and European policy making? Is it a short-term or rather a long-term phenomenon? How will established parties in the parliament react to the challenge presented by Eurosceptic parties? 

EU thumbs down

These are just some of the questions that will be discussed by a panel consisting of Euroscepticism expert Dr. Simon Usherwood (University of Surrey) and EP candidates Jeroen Lenaerts (CDA; ES alumnus), Joost van den Akker (VVD; ES alumnus), Alexander van Steenderen (SP) and Walter Jansen (D66; ES alumnus). Moderator: Patrick Bijsmans, Programme Director of the Bachelor European Studies & Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science, FASoS