Delegation of Powers in the European Union: Current Issues and Future Developments


The Workshop

(Deze tekst is alleen beschikbaar in het Engels)

The delegation of powers represents a fundamental mechanism for the organization and functioning of the EU as it is today. The existing framework and dynamics of this phenomenon, however, still raise relevant issues. The workshop aims at bringing together academics, practitioners and experts from around Europe to discuss the ongoing developments of delegation of powers in the EU. It is organized in the form of an interdisciplinary dialogue where the current issues of the topic will be examined both from a legal and political perspective. It will address not only the proposed innovations with regard to comitology, but also the future perspectives for delegated acts and ESMA, especially in terms of oversight and accountability.

Delegation of powers in the European Union

Maastricht, Working on Europe

The workshop is funded entirely by Maastricht, Working on Europe programme. Based at Studio Europa in the heart of the city, Maastricht, Working on Europe is a joint programme by the Province of Limburg, the City of Maastricht and Maastricht University. Its aim is to position Maastricht as a meeting place for citizen dialogue and debate and establish a Centre of Excellence for research on Europe and European integration. Its mission is to stimulate active, critical debate with citizen engagement at its core. In short: a workplace for a better Europe. For everyone.

Maastricht Working on Europe


10.30 – 10.45 Registration and coffee

10.45 – 11.00 Welcome and introduction to the workshop, prof. Thomas Christiansen (Maastricht University)

11.00- 12.30 Panel 1 – The Delegation of Powers in the post-Lisbon Era: Analysing Comitology

  • “Delegation of Power in the Post-Lisbon Era: A quantitative Analysis of Comitology”, prof. Ana Mar Fernandez (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
  • “Delegation of Powers in the Institutional Balance: A legal analysis of the Comitology reform”, Dr. Annalisa Volpato (Maastricht University)

Comments by: Dr. Natassa Athanasiadou (Maastricht University)        

12.30 – 13.30 Lunch

13.30 – 15.00 Panel 2 – Delegated Powers and Agency Formation after Lisbon: Oversight and Accountability

  • “Between interest- and capacity-building: EP’s Scrutiny of Delegated and Implementing Acts”, Sabina Lange (EIPA)
  • “Bureaucratic Collusion: The (Limited) Scrutiny of Delegated Powers in the European Commission”, prof. Thomas Christiansen (Maastricht University)
  • “The European Securities and Markets Authority’s Creation and Recent Review assessed with New Intergovernmentalism”, Johanna Breuer (Maastricht University)

Comments by:  Oliver Emmes (European Parliament, Secretariat)                 

15.00-15.30 Coffee break

15.30-16.45 Roundtable: Current Issues and Future Perspectives for Delegated Powers
Chair: prof. Ellen Vos

Panelists: Edward Best (EIPA)
                  Susanne Hoeke (European Commission, Secretariat General)
                  Jean-Baptiste Laignelot (Council of the EU, Legal Service)
                  Athanassios Troupiotis (European Parliament, Legal Service)

16.45 – 17.00 Concluding remarks by the organisers