Cancelled: A Midsummer Night's Dream by Benjamin Britten

Studium Generale | Opera Visit

This event is cancelled.

Studium Generale and Opera Zuid are teaming up to offer students a unique opportunity to go the opera – at a quarter of the normal price!

In this intoxicating magical opera, a quarrel between the elf king Oberon and his wife results in messing with magic juice. The juice makes a sleeping person fall in love with the first person they see on waking up. In this way, partners swap places unintentionally. With these ingredients, Benjamin Britten reveals the tragic fragility of human relationships. True to Shakespeare, he paints a world of fairies with his music and a movingly warm environment.

The opera is directed by Ola Mafaalani and is performed in English with Dutch surtitles. Prior to the opera at 19.00 there is an introduction in English.

In cooperation with Opera Zuid

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