Oude agenda
19 mei13:45 - 15:15
- lecture
Gastcollege Dr. Milène Bonte: hersenenontwikkeling en taalvaardigheid tijdens de schooljaren.
De masteropleiding MEBIT verwelkomt dr. Milène Bonte van Maastricht University tijdens de contactdagen. Zij zal vrijdag 19 mei een gastcollege aan de MEBIT-studenten geven over hersenenontwikkeling en taalvaardigheid tijdens de schooljaren.
19 mei12:00
- PhD Defence
Promotie Dhr. drs. Edgar M. Wong-Lun-Hing
“Optimized Recovery and Minimally Invasive Liver Surgery”
19 mei10:00
- PhD Defence
Promotie Mw. Astrid C.M.J. Merkx, MSc.
“In Search of Balance; promoting healthy gestational weight gain”
18 mei20:00
Studium Generale - Lezing
Dr. Marcia Goddard, docent neurowetenschappen, Un. Leiden -
18 mei14:00
- PhD Defence
Promotie Mw. Therese Grohnert, MSc.
“Judge/Fail/Learn; enabling auditors to make high-quality judgments by designing effective learning environments”
18 mei12:00
- PhD Defence
Promotie Dhr. Chintan Maheshkumar Parmar, ICT
“Machine learning applications for Radiomics: Towards robust non-invasive predictors in clinical oncology”
18 mei 19 mei09:00 - 15:45
Two-day conference the preliminary results of the ITN network TRANSMIC (Transnational Migration, Citizenship and the Circulation of Rights and Responsibilities).
18 mei 19 mei09:00 - 15:45
17 mei19:00
Studium Generale - Start Collegereeks
Diverse sprekers -
17 mei16:00
- PhD Defence
Promotie Dhr. drs. Hendrikus P.A. Scheepers
“Pharmacy Preparations; European quality standards and regulation”