On 1st July 2020 Germany will for the first time in 13 years again take over the rotating six-months Presidency of the Council of the EU – and with the Presidency come high hopes that a Member State with the political weight and capacities such as Germany will be able to significantly
All organizations and companies that make use of air travel face the same question: in what way will they take responsibility for the use of this type of transportation?
Sovereignty is invoked in many discussions today, from Brexit to Catalan independence, but it is rarely clear what, exactly, those who invoke sovereignty mean by it.
Verslag wordt gedaan van de bezoeken aan de facultaire groepen. Daarnaast volgt een overzicht van enkele hoogtepunten in de voorbije weken.
This blog reports about recent visits to all departments and support groups. It also contains some highlights of the last few weeks.
EU agencies are now at the forefront of policy implementation in EU’s migration, asylum and external border control policies for two primary reasons: to overcome the policy implementation gap and enhance interstate solidarity.
It was an inspiring morning on an early December day at Maastricht’s industrial-charm Eiffel-building.
On February 1st, the UK has left the EU. This (has had or) will inevitably have an impact on unitary IP rights at EU level. Unitary IP rights such as the Community Plant Variety Right will no longer be valid after the transition period in the UK.
En daar is die dan: de Brexit. Op 1 februari 2020 worden we allemaal wakker na de Brexit. Wat zal er dan veranderd zijn? Niet zo veel nog, want de overgangstermijn die is voorzien duurt in ieder geval nog tot eind 2020.