01 okt 31 mei
Vraag je je af hoe het is om Health Food Innovation Management (HFIM) te studeren op onze campus in Venlo? Loop dan mee als student voor een dag.
13 jan 10 feb19:30 - 21:30
Studium Generale | Collegereeks
05 feb13:00
- PhD Defence
Promotie Diāna Bērziņa
"Criminogenic Objects, Senses, and Atmospheres in Criminology: Exploring Human-Object Relationships in Art Markets"
05 feb16:00
- PhD Defence
Promotie Joram Bernd Huckriede
"Extracellular Histones as Novel Theranostic Targets in Severe Infection and lmmunothrombosis"
05 feb16:15 - 18:30
[Event in English]
Join us for the alumni event in Helsinki, in collaboration with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, at Villa Kleineh, the residence of the Dutch Ambassador. Ambassador Govert Jan Bijl de Vroe will discuss Finland-Netherlands relations, and UM alumna Peppi Heinikainen will share insights on European and foreign affairs.
05 feb20:00
- lecture
We informeren ons kapot: over democratie, zelfbeschikking en de eeuwige zoektocht naar de waarheid
Studium Generale | Lezing
06 feb 01 sep11:00 - 15:30
The Globalisation & Law Network is composed of a group of researchers of Maastricht University, coming from different backgrounds, who study the role that law plays in a globalizing society from a holistic perspective. Invited experts will give a presentation on a specific topic followed by a Q&A session open to all participants.
06 feb13:00
- PhD Defence
Promotie Nina Engels Domínguez
"The Locus Coeruleus: Blueprint Towards Identifying Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease"
06 feb16:00
- PhD Defence
Promotie Floor Corine Wilhelmien Maria Salden
"New-fashioned Cardiac Pacing: Spring Forward, Fall Back to Nature’s Way"