Recently, psychiatrist Anne Koopmans (MHeNs) successfully defended her PhD thesis ‘CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 genotyping in psychiatry: Bridging the gap between practice and lab’. She chose an all-female opposition to draw attention to the importance of women in higher academic positions.
For the research at Maastricht UMC+ and Erasmus MC to the steering of the bladder from the brains a grant of circa 1 million euro has been awarded from the programme Humane Meetmodellen 2.0. Within this project more effective research methods with human beings are developed and used, which reduces animal testing.
An interesting online event will take place on Wednesday 16 June about the future and safeguarding of digital heritage in our region.
Depression can behave in the same way as the economy, according to doctor and researcher Suzanne van Bronswijk. An approach based on econometric modelling can therefore help in deciding between treatment options.
UM has successfully applied for the European Union's Horizon 2020 research programme. In 2019 and 2020, the total subsidy amount awarded rose sharply to more than 27 million euros in both years.
Dr Vanessa Tünsmeyer has been selected as a Canon Foundation Fellow for her research project on Ainu indigenous rights and cultural heritage. The grant will enable her to conduct community engaged research with the Ainu communities in Hokkaido, Japan, for a period of one year. Prof. Hirofumi Kato and the Center for Ainu and Indigenous Studies of Hokkaido University will host her during this visit, and the project is designed to establish sustainable collaborations with Japanese and Ainu researchers.
To innovate for a circular economy, companies need to make changes on many different levels. This can be difficult to organise. That is why Jan Konietzko created the Circularity Deck, a card deck-based tool that helps people in companies better understand the circular strategies and the levels at which they can be applied. Jan recently created a Masterclass with Impact Hub Amsterdam that goes over this Circularity Deck.
Sexual violence is unfortunately a reality among students in the Netherlands, as highlighted by the I&O Research report published this week. UM has done a similar study and the results will be published in fall.
Abazi’s potential is easy to recognise, which is reflected in the reactions from several mentors and juries in her academic career thus far. She is lucky (or is it foresight?) that her research topics, such as her work on the legal protection of whistleblowers, often appear in the news. Recently, she was presented with an Early Career Award by the KNAW. This is Vigjilenca Abazi’s impressive story.