Overview of student organisations in Maastricht

This page offers an overview of student organisations that are managed by students of Maastricht University. They are open for you to join. These organisations act under their own responsibility.

Study(-related) organisations

NameType of organisation
Aperturestudy association Maastricht Science Programme (MSP)
AsKlepiOs study association MSc, MD Physician - Clinical Investigator
Business Psychology Society (BPS) study association Business Psychology Society (BPS)
DEMOS study association MSc Public Policy and Human Development 
ELSA study association Faculty of Law
EUnitas study association European Public Health
Exegesis ex Machinamagazine dedicated to digital society (linked to bachelor Digital Society)
FIRST Maastricht study association for Tax Law and Fiscal Economics students
Global Studies Community study association for BSc Global Studies students
SA Helix study association Biomedical Sciences
Maastricht Student Law Reviewofficial student-led Law Review of the Faculty of Law
Mens Achter de Patiënt (MAP)
(Person behind the Patient)
student initiative born at UM that provides annual educational modules for UM students, more specifically those of the Faculty of Health and Medicine, in collaboration with patients from the region
MFA Placebo study association Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience
MSV Incognito study association for Knowledge Engineering
Mustangh foundation study association Faculty of Health and Medicine
MSV Pulse study association for medical students
MSV Santé study association for Health Sciences
JFV Ouranos study association for Law
Pleitgenootschap Gaiusstudy association for Law
Pine UCM student initiative born at UM - University College Maastricht: working towards pluralist economics education at UM
Research Project Maastricht consultancy institution affiliated with UM, students perform research in emerging markets all over the world
SCOPE official study association of the SBE
VECTUM study association Econometrics and Operations Research
of the School of Business & Economics
Maastricht Finance Society corporate finance study association of the SBE
UCM Universalis study association University College Maastricht (UCM)
IFMSA-Maastrichtthe International Federation of Medical Students' Associations
ISA Umamiinternational study association Health Food Innovation Management, Venlo
SoFaSoS student organisation for the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences


Student representation

NameType of organisation
DOPE Student representation for University Council and Faculty Council
FASoS Student representation for University Council and Faculty Council FASoS
KAN Student representation for University Council and Faculty Council
Maastricht Student UnionAdvocating for student interests in Maastricht
NOVUM Student representation for University Council and Faculty Council


Student (social) associations

NameType of organisation
Circumflex Student association
c.s.v. Lux ad Mosam Christian student association
Onafhankelijk Maastricht Association of independent fraternities and sororities
KOKO Student association
M.S.V. Tragos Student association
M.S.R.V. Saurus Student association
Muslim Student Association Nour (MSA)Student association
Political Economy Society (PES) MaastrichtStudent association that revolves around economics and politics
S.A. Fugax Non-traditional student association for (inter)national students who are interested in social and leisure activities



NameType of organisation
Allicht Independent sorority
O.D.D. Kalypso Independent, international sorority
O.M.H. Cerberus Independent fraternity
O.H.D. Chic Sat Independent fraternity
Diablo Independent sorority
e Causa Ignota Independent medical fraternity
EMOD Kokkepel Independent sorority
ExpresZo Independent sorority
Femmes-Tastiques Independent sorority
Floreciente Independent medical sorority
Heerendispuut Lucifer Independent fraternity
Hesperides Independent sorority
M.D.D. Ex Aequo Independent sorority
M.H.D. Epicurus Independent fraternity
M.H.V. Abraxas Independent fraternity
Misspuut Pandora Independent sorority
M.J.D.D. Victoria Independent sorority
O.M.G.M. Max Independent sorority
O.D.D. Amicitia Independent sorority
O.D.D. Les Sacripantes Independent sorority
O.D.D. Medusa Independent sorority
O.D.D. Missdaad Independent sorority
O.D.D. Schanulleke Independent sorority
O.H.D. Bonobo Independent fraternity
O.H.D. Prometheus Independent fraternity
O.H.D. Spiritus VitalisIndependent fraternity
O.H.M. Hyperion Independent fraternity
O.H.M. Que Pasa Independent fraternity
O.M.S.G. Plutarchus Independent fraternity
O.D.D. Bon'Aparte Independent sorority
O.D.D. Pink Wins Independent sorority
O.H.D. Silenus Independent fraternity
Perikles Independent fraternity
O.D.D. Sororitas Independent sorority


Internationally oriented organisations

NameType of organisation
Asian Students International Association (ASIA)student association for Asians and everyone who is interested in Asian culture 
Bridge Europe Maastrichtchapter of the global non-profit organisation BridgeEurope
Cosmopolitan Student Association Maastricht (COSA) international students association
Erasmus Student Network organisation for international students and exchange students
Hellenic Student Association MaastrichtGreek and Cypriot student organisation promoting Hellenic culture
Indonesian Students Association 
(PPI Maastricht) 
Indonesian students association in Maastricht
JEF Maastricht young European federalists students Maastricht
Maasliberty Maastricht students for liberty
Maastricht Asian Society (MAS)association celebrating Asian cultures, welcoming students from all backgrounds
Mi Casa, Tu Casa Maastricht Latin Americans and Latin American enthusiasts
Philia Sorority Maastricht international sorority in Maastricht
Polish Students Society Maastrichtassociation for Polish students and everyone interested/connected to Poland
UAEM-Maastricht universities allied for essential medicines
UNSA United Nations student association Maastricht
USTM Unicef student team Maastricht


Career and extracurricular skills

NaamSoort organisatie
AIESEC Maastricht providing young people the opportunity to develop their leadership through practical, international experiences
European Careers Association Maastricht (ECA) leadership, career support and networking
Eloquentia Maastrichtpublic speaking and debating
Enactus Entrepreneurial, Action, Us
EU Careers Studentambassadeur introducing students to EU careers
Integrand Maastricht internship mediation and academic career counselling
INTERNaction shaping the next generation of human rights advocates, by connecting students to human rights NGOs via internships
UniPartners Maastricht academic advice office
START Maastricht fostering entrepreneurial thinking among students and enabling them to act on their entrepreneurial talent
Stichting Jurist in Bedrijf providing Maastricht law students with career opportunities within national and international professional and business circles


Sustainability oriented organisations

NameType of organisation
Extinction Rebellion Maastricht Grassroots movement in UK and NL
Foodsharing Reducing food waste by sharing left overs
Green Office Pioneering sustainability education on an global level.
KAN Klimaat Actie Netwerk - coalition of local organisations
Love Foundation Maastricht Open network of artists and activists
Precious Plastics Creating a workspace where we reuse the plastic we collect in Maastricht to create new, useful products
Maastricht for Climate  Organises the climate marches and works on climate education


Good causes

NaamSoort organisatie
Amnesty International Maastricht (AIMS) student chapter of Amnesty International
Effective Altruism Maastricht striving to do the most good possible, primarily through helping students find impactful careers
Maastricht goes to Calais  advocating and collecting donations for displaced people in Northern France
Red Cross student desk Maastricht student desk Red Cross Maastricht
Students Fight Cancer students commit to cancer research at MUMC+


Cultural clubs

NameType of organisation
Alles is Drama Student theatre association
Artistri StudiosPlatform to promote up-and-coming artists
Mosaïek Magazine Interdisciplinary cultural magazine
MSDV Let's dance Dance club
Tuna Universitaria de Maastricht Traditional Spanish music
Tuna Femenina De Maastricht  Traditional Spanish and Portuguese  music
University choir University choir
University Orchestra University orchestra
Vinum Maastricht Wine and Cuisine Club:
cultural exchange via food and wine


Student sports clubs


NameType of organisation
Dionyx Organisation for LGBT youth and students in Limburg, part of the COC
Free Palestine Maastricht Advocating freedom and justice for the people of occupied Palestine - anticolonial, antiracist, intersectional
Kaleido International student community
Studenten RechtshulpStudent legal aid
Taskforce qrs MaastrichtReanimation training
IJAR MaastrichtJewish student union
uniMIND Maastricht Academic journal club dedicated to psychedelic research
UnliMited NetworkFor and by students with disabilities, chronic conditions, neurodiversity and psychological distress
Vegan Student Association Maastricht (VSA) Student association for vegans
