Strategic Initiatives

Strategic Initiatives enables projects empowering the strategy of Maastricht UMC+: Healthy Living and Maastricht University: Community at the CORE by acting as linking pin between the Maastricht UMC+ board and you. It offers support for projects and initiatives of researchers, clinicians and operational staff of Maastricht UMC+ and Maastricht University.

What does the Research Office offer?
Our team is experienced in initiating and executing cross-organisational and interdisciplinary projects and initiatives. Our activities comprise:

  • Advising on and setting up (strategic) project plans
  • Managing, implementing and monitoring projects
  • Securing commitment
  • Account management

If you consider starting up a project, or if you want to brainstorm about an idea, please don’t hesitate to contact one of the staff members.

Current projects:

EIT Health


EIT Health is one of the largest healthcare initiatives worldwide, including 140 leading organisations. Its goal is to sustainably advance the foundations of healthcare and thus promote the future conditions for healthier living and wellbeing of people across Europe.

Contact person: Annemarie Koster

Healthy Region

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Joining forces for a healthy region! The Netherlands Federation of University Medical Centres (NFU) have agreed upon the report ‘Research and innovation with and for the healthy region’, and have emphasised that they want to contribute to the necessary innovation in (preventive) health care. The report has had a positive reception at the level of the minister. Within this context it has been acknowledged that it is vital to forge stronger bonds in the region, and to do this together with the region. This task has been assigned to the University Medical Centres (UMC’s) by minister Bruins.

The region South-East Netherlands wants to take its societal responsibility to promote the health of the citizens of the region. The large number of already existing wonderful initiatives proves that this region has been working hard to create and promote stronger bonds of cooperation in the health domain over the past years. Maastricht UMC+ wants to build on this, and, in doing so, takes the initiative – in line with the assignment of the minister to the UMC's – to develop a common agenda for research and innovation.

Contact person: Marèl Segers


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Maastricht UMC+ has been active in India since 2008. When building partnerships, UMC+ seeks collaboration with renowned institutes as well as research topics that connect with the existing research profile of Maastricht UMC+. At this moment, there are about 25 active partnerships with various (academic, health sector, industrial) partners.

Contact person: Dorine Collijn


The Kennis-As connects knowledge, expertise and capital, with the aim of converting ideas and plans into concrete projects. Together, the three knowledge partners are investing a total of €165 million in the programme.

Contact person: Dorine Collijn


Within the programme Limburg Invests in its Knowledge Economy (LINK) two new  institutes have been established: the Maastricht MultiModal Molecular Imaging Institute (M4I) and the Institute for Technology-Inspired Regenerative Medicine (MERLN).

Contact person: Merlijn Meens


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Parelsnoer is a collaborative biobanking initiative of the University Medical Centres (UMCs) in the Netherlands. Offering researchers an infrastructure and harmonized procedures for the establishment, expansion and optimisation of clinical biobanks for collaborative scientific research. The initiative started with the gathering of clinical data and biomaterials from all the UMCs for specific diseases, the so called pearls (in Dutch: parels).

Contact person: Dorine Collijn

Positive Health

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Within the Maastricht UMC+ we have been aware of the changing definition of health for a long time. We focus on “the whole person” which means that we not only look at patients and their illness, we also look at persons regarding their living environment, lifestyle and predispositions. The expertise has already lead to various initiatives and programmes around the concept/philosophy of Positive Health.

A core group around Positive Health has been formed at Maastricht UMC+ to stimulate and facilitate collaboration between all those concerned and make knowledge accessible and practicable. Not only for internal staff but also for partners in the region.
We can be reached by e-mail:

Contact persons: Dorine Collijn and Marèl Segers