Statement from the Executive Board following research into sexual violence among students in the Netherlands

Sexual violence is unfortunately a common occurrence among students in the Netherlands. The shocking results of the report which was published today by Amnesty International show this. This problem deserves the UM community’s full attention.

Today's news makes it clear that we must continue to work hard to eradicate sexual violence. The work aimed at prevention and support done by students and employees, such as trainings, the student initiative WeCare and Consent Matters, the work of psychologists and confidential advisors must continue full speed ahead. If students are unable to find the help and support the university provides, we must work harder to be sure they can find it. At the same time, as a university, we must also continue to point out the help and support other organisations can and want to offer.

We want to continue to talk with students and external organisations about sexual violence, just as we have done in recent years. Any ideas that will help to make students safer are welcome. After the summer, our own investigation into sexual safety within the UM community will be completed. We will take its results and recommendations and turn them into concrete actions.

Let’s be clear: Maastricht University does not tolerate any form of sexual violence or other forms of undesirable behaviour or discrimination within our organisation. UM students who have been the victims of any undesirable behaviour should contact a confidential advisor.

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