UM researcher Clara Snijders (Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience) received a Rubicon grant from research financing institution NWO.
DThe multimillion-euro investment in the LINK programme by the Province of Limburg, Maastricht University (UM) and Maastricht UMC+ (MUMC+) has achieved its targets. And the LINK programme is to have a sequel: UM and MUMC+ will be investing eight million euros in MERLN and M4i in the coming years to give an extra boost to regenerative medicine and imaging.
The UM Euregion Refugee Scholarship programme offers two tuition waivers per academic year for talented refugee students from the Meuse-Rhine Euregion who have been admitted to a master’s programme at UM.
A short blog on Melissa Siegel's recent YouTube series on the Ukrainian refugee crisis.
What are companies' voluntary offsetting claims based on? How can we distinguish between good and bad? And what is the role of consumers, whose perceptions are at the core of companies' motivations to offset emissions?
Emma van de Ven, Strategy Lead at ACORN (Rabobank), was interviewed to explain how full transparency in the voluntary carbon market can be achieved and where traditional approaches fall short. -
A screaming labour shortage or not, a job is often not an option for highly qualified status holders. In 2020, for example, only 16 percent of the highly educated Syrian refugees had a job (compared to 81 percent of the highly educated Dutch).
Already three years ago, two challenges were introduced to a certain group of households in Maastricht and in Roermond: to reduce indoor temperature to a maximum of 18 °C (‘heating challenge’) and half the number of weekly laundry cycles relative to a baseline (‘laundry challenge’). In this article, we summarise the results.
On May 25 2022, the first physical meeting of the research project TransB took place at Fifth in Eindhoven. During the meeting, researchers from Maastricht University (UM), the University of Amsterdam (UvA), KWR and Bram Heijkers from Platform STAD met to discuss a toolbox for multiple value creation
Jacob Ward, a researcher at Maastricht University, has been awarded a Veni research grant of up to 280,000 euros by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). The Veni grants are for newly graduated excellent researchers, at the beginning of their scientific career and with an exceptional talent for research.