NWO Rubicon grant for Clara Snijders

UM researcher Clara Snijders (Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience) received a Rubicon grant from research financing institution NWO. This grant gives young, highly promising researchers the opportunity to gain international research experience. With this grant she will conduct research into the consequences of trauma in the brain, during a period of 24 months..

How trauma manifests in the brain

Experiencing a severe traumatic experience as a child can predispose someone to develop a mental health disorder later in life. To understand the lasting impact of early life adversity, the researcher will study the expression of genes in neurons from individuals with PTSD who experienced abuse during childhood.


With a Rubicon grant researchers can spend up to 24 months doing research at a foreign institution. The size of the grant is dependent on the destination chosen and the duration of the stay. Each year, NWO/ZonMw can fund about 60 young researchers within Rubicon (for a total amount of 7 million euros allocated over three rounds).

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