The worldwide consensus among scientists is that Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is the best choice for treating eating disorders. Many tried and tested CBT protocols are available, but according to several publications (for example Waller et al., 2012) these protocols are often ignored. Frequently CBT-trained practitioners use interventions that have not been proven to be effective. Why does this “therapist drift” occur and what can we do about it?
De academische werkplaats Duurzame Zorg en academische werkplaats publieke gezondheid hebben onlangs een onderzoek naar het gebruik van jeugd-GGZ in Zuid-Limburg gepubliceerd. Uit het rapport, dat inmiddels is aangeboden aan de wethouders van alle 18 gemeenten in Zuid-Limburg, blijkt dat factoren rondom het inkomen, de gezinssituatie en opleidingsniveau de belangrijkste verklaring vormen voor het hoge gebruik van jeugd-GGZ in deze regio en dat gemeenten hier op verschillende manieren mee omgaan.
Health economists and Health Technology Assessment (HTA) scientists of Maastricht University (School CAPHRI) have organised on behalf of the European Health Economics Association (EUHEA) the 12th European Conference on Health Economics (11-14 July).
In the ‘Match for Brighter Futures' project, UM students are helping high school students with their homework.
Dutch Universities agreed with unions to a new Collective Labour Agreement Dutch Universities (cao NU).
The signed agreement is available on the VSNU-website.
The collective agreement (cao) is valid for the period from 1 July 2017 up to and including 31 December 2019. The agreements will be implemented in the text of the collective labour agreement as soon as possible.
During his meetings, deputy Van den Akker indicated that he would like to establish more cooperation between North Rhine-Westphalia and Limburg in the future.
ICIS, the International Centre for Integrated assessment and Sustainable development at Maastricht University, presented itself in a sneak preview at its 20-year jubilee in May 2018.
Caroline Brall will defend her PhD dissertation Monday, 9 July 2018 at 14:00 hrs in the Auditorium of the Maastricht University (Minderbroedersberg 4-6, Maastricht).