Prestigious awards for two PhD students Human Biology (NUTRIM)

Two PhD students from the Human Biology department received prestigious awards for their oral presentations during the annual European College of Sport Science conference held on July 4-7 in Dublin, Ireland.

The Jury awarded Cas Fuchs with the 1st place GSSI Nutrition award (€3000) for his presentation entitled “Post-exercise cooling impairs the postprandial muscle protein synthetic response to protein ingestion”. Jean Nyakayiru received 2nd place (€3000) in the Young Investigator Award for his oral presentation entitled “Blood Flow Restriction combined with low-load resistance-type exercise increases myofibrillar protein synthesis rates in young men”. Both Cas and Jean are in the process of finalizing their PhD projects, supervised by Dr. Lex Verdijk and Prof. Luc van Loon.

Website PhD Student Jean HB NUTRIM
Cas Fuchs PhD Student HB NUTRIM

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