On October 20th 55 SBE-students successfully pitched their policy proposals at the European Commission in the second European Student Conference on the Economics of Transition and Resilience.
Over the past year, 19 researchers have worked hard to put together the first FASoS anthology of creative nonfiction. It features work from all four faculty research groups and all five departments.
As of September 1st, Prof.Dr. Desirée Joosten-ten Brinke has joined the School of Health Professions Education as Professor of Learning and Assessment. In this video, she explains more about her background and topics she will be working on.
Caroline Bouvier wanted to be an illustrator, but ended up in chemistry. She managed to combine both of her passions in her research - creating molecular fingerprints of some of the world’s most valued paintings, including old master art from 15th to 17th centuries. As of October, Caroline is one of UM's newest researchers, working as a postdoctoral fellow in Sebastiaan van Nuffel’s group in the Maastricht MultiModal Molecular Imaging Institute (M4i). Using mass spectrometry and collaborating with leading art institutions such as the The Courtauld Institute of Art and the Rijksmuseum, through her project SCIMITAR she aims to unlock the mysteries of paint compositions in centuries-old masterpieces, shedding light on their creation and preservation.
Job van den Hurk is a neuroscientist and scientific director at ultra-high field MRI center Scannexus at the Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus. However, he is best known as the host of the TV show Brainstorm on ZAPP. “Critical thinking should be a subject taught in elementary school.”
International research collaboration aims to personalise prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases
On October 25, the international research consortium iCARE4CVD was established. The consortium aims to gain more insight into cardiovascular diseases and future ways to prevent and cure them.
Interview with Anja van Bogaert about her challenges and learning moments working on integrating sustainability at UM.
Op 22 november a.s. vindt een AV&S symposium plaats over de invloed van verzekering op compensatie van schade. De verzekerbaarheid in Nederland is de afgelopen decennia toegenomen. Toch zijn er nog vragen over de grenzen van verzekerbaarheid en onder meer of de schade als gevolg van (natuur)rampen of nieuwe risico’s verzekerbaar is.
Op het congres zullen onder meer Ton Hartlief, Michael Faure en Rianka Rijnhout het woord voeren.
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Interview with Daisy Jonkers in UM magazine. Daisy Jonkers, scientific director of the NUTRIM research institute, is calling for more inclusivity and diversity in scientific research.