“We are all brain”

Job van den Hurk is a neuroscientist and scientific director at ultra-high field MRI center Scannexus at the Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus. However, he is best known as the host of the TV show Brainstorm on ZAPP. “Critical thinking should be a subject taught in elementary school.”

He bridges the gap between science and the general public. Not only does he do this through his TV appearance as a researcher on Brainstorm, he also co-founded and acted as editor for the playful and accessible scientific platform BrainMatters. He has sincepassed on the baton to enthusiastic master’s and PhD students.

Job van den Hurk makes himself comfortable for our chat. It’s obvious he’s thrilled to be talking about the brain. This passion was awakened when he discovered the brain scanner in the university's “bicycle basement” during his studies. “I thought, how cool would it be to work with this?” These days, he is responsible for three supersonic MRI scanners worth roughly 20 million Euros at the building on Maastricht’s Oxfordlaan campus. This equipment is used for research on multiple sclerosis, for example.

Read the full article on the Brightlands website.

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