Politics and Culture in Europe

ContactProf. Hylke Dijkstra (Director) and Dr. Toon van Overbeke (Academic Secretary)

Founded in 2003, Politics and Culture in Europe (PCE) is an interdisciplinary research programme at Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences of Maastricht University. It brings together 50 political scientists, historians and philosophers. The process of European integration since 1945 and questions of European democracy, governance, and foreign policy are central to the PCE research agenda. PCE researchers study the European Union and Europeanisation, yet they also contribute to debates on multilateralism and the global order, and take an interest in transnational history. Methodologically rigorous, the emphasis of PCE is on fundamental research with societal relevance.

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  • Janosch Prinz received, together with Enzo Rossi (UvA) and Manon Westpahl (Münster), a €310,000 Gerda Henkel Foundation grant for the project “Contours of a Non-Oligarchic Democratic Future”.

  • Aline Sierp received €50,000 in the NWO SSH XS funding scheme for the project ‘When the Past Determines the Future: The Role of Memory in Foreign Policy Decisions’. In the project, Aline will explore how political decisions are shaped by history.

  • Failure is part of life, but not something academics talk about often. In this interview, Aline Sierp discusses difficulties to secure funding.

More news items
  • On the occasion of its 30th anniversary, the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASoS) is delighted to have awarded honorary doctorates to Prof. Dr. Liesbet Hooghe and Prof. Dr. Gary Marks for their joint research on multi-level governance, particularly in the context of European integration.

  • Five FASoS researchers have been awarded Horizon Europe grants for leading projects in the European security domain. A combined total of nearly €700,000 goes to Maastricht. The overall worth of each project amounts to €3 million.