Past events
18 Nov14:00 - 17:30
Taste of Knowledge is a unique event to network, get familiar with and 'taste' the knowledge of Maastricht University School of Business and Economics.
18 Nov12:00
- PhD Defence
PhD conferral mw.drs. Madeleine Kok
"Individual Optimisation of Contrast Media Application and Radiation Dose in Computed Tomographic Angiography; from Phantom to Patient”
18 Nov11:00 - 17:00
ROA celebrates thirtied anniversary with Lustrum Conference.
18 Nov10:00
- PhD Defence
PhD conferral dhr.drs. Casper Mihl, MSc.
"Decisive modification tools in coronary computed tomographic angiography; from phantom to patient"
17 Nov20:00
Alumni are welcome to join a “Meet and Greet Pub Quiz”
17 Nov14:00
- PhD Defence
PhD conferral dhr.drs. Theodorus A.R. Lankveld
"Use of the electrocardiogram for prediction of arrhythmia outcome in atrial fibrillation"
17 Nov13:00 - 18:00
17 Nov12:00
"Exposed: Interactions between acute drug experiences and affective cues"
17 Nov10:00
- PhD Defence
PhD conferral Dhr. Christoph Feichter, MSc.
"Performance targets from supervisors and employees perspectives"
17 Nov09:00 - 13:00
Presentations available (Information only available in Dutch). Tijdens dit werkgeverssymposium informeerden de drie partijen: Holland Expat Center South (HECS), Grensinfopunt Maastricht (GIP) en het Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border cooperation and Mobility (ITEM) deelnemers over het werk dat zij doen ter ondersteuning van grensoverschrijdende werknemers/grensoverschrijdend ondernemerschap en werd de werkvorm ‘Eurolab’ uitgelegd. In twee workshoprondes werd ingegaan op de inhoud rondom grensoverschrijdend ondernemen en internationaal werknemersverkeer.