Maastricht’s first ever TEDx PhD Pitch Night took place on 12 September 2018. PhD candidates had 3 minutes to pitch their research and see if they could secure a place on the TEDx Maastricht stage.
Jan Kleinheinrich (student of the bachelor's programme European Studies) has won the 20188 ESST prize.
Vrijdag 28 september 2018 gaf Rowan Smeets een presentatie over haar promotieonderzoek ‘Integraal Programma Chronische Zorg’ tijdens een reünie van de zogenaamde Masterclass Eerstelijns Bestuurders.
A new European-wide training network for early stage researchers in the field of disability rights has received €4.1m in funding from the European Commission’s Marie Curie programme. This network is known as the DARE Project (Disability Advocacy and Research for Europe).
The introduction week of Maastricht University, INKOM, was this year’s most sustainable Dutch introduction week.
For his groundbreaking work on the implementation of graphene in next-generation textiles, AMIBM postdoc Dr. Benjamin Weise was awarded two PhD prices: At first, the Paul Schlack Man-Made Fiber Award 2018 was dedicated to Dr. Weise during the opening session of the annually held Global Fiber Convention (GFC) in Dornbirn/Austria from September 13-15.
The activities for the B-Solutions project “Roadmap and factsheet for the recognition of qualifications for highly demanded professions” have recently started. This project, submitted by the Province of Limburg (NL) as lead applicant and carried out by ITEM, brings together partners along the Dutch border comprising partners from the Netherlands, Belgium, North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony.
MUMC+ is cooperating with parties in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine on the establishment of a Euregional Centre for Paediatric Surgery. This process leads to a large number of questions and challenges. One of these concerns the education and training of paediatric surgeons in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany and their mobility between the three countries. ITEM researches this topic on behalf of the MUMC+.