A total of 60 researchers from Dutch universities and knowledge institutions have been awarded more than 23 million euros from the SSH Open Competition M round 2022. This funding from the NWO's Social Sciences and Humanities domain enables scientists to conduct research on a topic of their own choice, without thematic preconditions. Among the laureates are no fewer than seven scientists from Maastricht University.
Limiting the number of international students in the Netherlands is a hot topic among Dutch politicians. Maastricht University (UM) has taken a critical stance in this discussion. The university was founded in the 1970s to promote prosperity in the Limburg region—prosperity that has long been enhanced by UM’s international character. What makes the mix of Dutch and international students even more important for UM than other Dutch universities? Hugo Hollanders, researcher at UNU-MERIT, and Astrid Boeijen, CEO of the Brightlands Smart Services Campus, explain.
On May 9th, the NWO awarded €2.7 million to improve the Advanced Virgo gravity wave detector in Pisa. Maastricht University will take part in this initiative, which will be led by the Dutch National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Nikhef).
EU immigration and asylum law are plagued by disharmony and dysfunction. Lilian Tsourdi, assistant professor of International and European Law, is investigating how to improve the situation.
Gone are the days when students simply submitted papers and handwrote tests. A recent event at EDLAB showcased the creative ways that teachers at Maastricht University (UM) leverage digital technologies in their educational practice.
A blog post on the potential of AR and VR technologies to address global challenges in Agriculture by Dominik Mahr, Full Professor at and head of the MSCM Department, and Noah Moonen, lecturer at MSCM, and DEXLab Manager
There are smarter solutions than abolishing English-language programmes to curb the influx of international students. Offer them a better starting position in the labour market in the Netherlands and more access to Dutch society by making knowledge of the Dutch language and culture mandatory. They are a cash cow for the Netherlands because we desperately need them in an ageing labour market with a world-class economy.
PhD thesis written by Giulia Giardi
This book draws on never-before used data on both crimes and enforcement to shed light on this murky world. Whether you are professionally or privately engaged in contrasting corporate crime or environmental harm, this book can enhance your perspective and toolset. -
Why do humans act the way they do? To answer this complex question, Hannes Rusch has to be a bit of everything: economist, biologist, philosopher, mathematician. He recently received a €1.5 million ERC Starting Grant to develop and empirically validate an interdisciplinary theoretical framework for describing exploitative relationships.
Three new research and demonstration facilities are slated to open at the Brightlands Campus Greenport Venlo: the Food Concept Center, the Experience Center for Future Food, and a physical landing place and workshop for start-ups and spin-offs.