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Imagine you, a researcher, are given a bag of money, unlimited time and personnel. What research would you do?
The Legal Data community is an interdisciplinary discussion and research hub, open for every student or researcher who is interested in the legal impact of data science.
“What kind of skills do we want our graduates to have?” was the main topic of discussion during a recent staff meeting, which got me thinking.
The dreaded “No Deal” is becoming ever-more plausible
“Bartleby,” said I, “Ginger Nut is away; just step round to the Post Office, won’t you? (it was but a three minute walk,) and see if there is anything for me.” “I would prefer not to.” “You will not?” “I prefer not.”
We are currently not only in the middle of the 4th Industrial Revolution but also on the midst of global climate change. With the on-going issues surrounding climate change, the world of IP is also evidently affected by it.
With the date of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal fast approaching, it is becoming increasingly evident that the British government still has no clear plan, relies on wishful thinking and is running out of viable options.
The trade and sustainable development chapters included in recent EU FTAs have been criticized for lacking an effective enforcement mechanism, and in particular for the absence of sanctions to ensure compliance.
On 27 May 2018 Italy was thrown into a post-election political and constitutional turmoil when Italian President Sergio Mattarella refused to appoint the designated Minister of Economy and Finance, Paolo Savona, proposed by the Five Star Movement and the League.
Current developments in the area of cross-country joint audits could reduce administrative burdens and enhance legal certainty. But, what are joint audits?