UM Alumni Day 2021

Celebrating Connections

On 4 September 2021, it is once again time for another edition of the UM Alumni Day! The theme of the day will be ‘Celebrating Connections’.

Did you graduate or will you graduate soon from Maastricht University or UMIO? You are more than welcome to enjoy this day with us. Meet fellow alumni, expand your knowledge, take a Maastricht city tour, enjoy drinks and bites or discover the PAS Festival.

Can't make it to Maastricht? Some activities are also offered online.

Choose below in which activities you would like to participate and register today. Below you can find the programme overview.

Of course, we respect all corona measures that need to be taken.
Please note: there may be last-minute programme changes due to COVID-19.

For more corona-related information, please see below.


Just click on the green button to register yourself. 
Once we have received your registration, you will receive a confirmation e-mail.

Important: only a limited number of people can participate in each activity. This means: if you are registered, but unable to join the event after all, please let us know on time via Thank you very much.


Click on the menu items below for an overview of all activities during the UM Alumni Day 2021. Note: you can join only one activity at a time. Check the start and end times!

Let Maastricht amaze you (again)

Boost your professional knowledge and network

09.30 - 11.15 – Breakfast Booster ‘The Science of Performance Management’

An effective performance management system is the key to success for any organisation. Over the years, several scientists have thought about structures and ways to increase the likelihood that organisations achieve their strategic goals. This session by Prof. Dr. Harold Hassink provides an overview of a number of these theories and works towards a practical synthesis that can be used by organisations to critically analyse and improve their own performance management system. Provided by UMIO.

The session starts with a nice breakfast and informal networking (offline edition).

11.00 - 12.45 – Breakfast Booster ‘The Human Side of Business’

In this world, interconnectivity is in crisis. Functionality and financial rewards seemingly guide our working relations and they are affecting our ability to relate through others and ourselves. The human perspective seems to be lost, leading to divided and less productive teams and organisations. This session provides a framework that can help you as a professional to better deal with the “human side of business”. Workshop leader Marco Buschman will give you some practical insights that you can apply directly in your (professional) life. Provided by UMIO.

The session starts with a nice breakfast and informal networking (offline edition).


Discover the next step in your career

11.30 - 14.00 – (Young) UM alumni Coachcafé (FULL)

What are your talents? How can you employ them? And what makes you happy at work? If you are unsure about the answers, the Coachcafé is something for you. Fellow alumni coaches help you with the next step in your career!

The session starts with a lunch.


Do not miss the official keynote speech

14.00 - 15.00 – Word of welcome by Bouwien Janssen, director Development & Alumni Relations at Maastricht University, followed by the keynote speech of Donald Pols

Speech topic: ''Climate crisis is a democratic crisis''.

Donald has a lifelong commitment to a society in harmony with nature – in the interest of nature, and of human society that is dependent on nature. In his capacity as Director of Friends of the Earth Netherlands (Milieudefensie) he supports the global transition to sustainable energy.

As an expert on financing of the transition towards renewable energy, Donald has participated in both the delegations of WWF International and the Dutch government to the UNFCCC negotiations. He worked as Program Director for WWF International’s global natural resource program in Beijing; Director of WWF China's Climate and Energy program; Head of the WWF Netherlands Climate Program, and as senior advisor environment and nature in the Dutch parliament. 


Enjoy the PAS Festival and meet follow alumni

15.00 - 20.00PAS Festival

Enjoy a variety of arts, entertainment and science spread over Tapijn (under your own steam). More information via

17.30 - 18.30 – UM alumni PAS Festival Programme (FULL)

Attend the perfomances of  MIKMAK, Rang Pang Circus (circus) and Barto (comic fool and contortionist). Your children are more than welcome either!

18.00 - 20.30 – Meet & Greet with fellow alumni (FULL)

An informal get-together with fellow graduates from Maastricht University.

Bites and drinks included.


Corona measures

Because of the current maters, we will ask you to have a green QR code ready at the entrance of our UM Alumni Day. This will be displayed in the Corona Check App. If you have a EU digital vaccination certificate via another app (Covpass in Germany for instance), or a physical paper to prove you are vaccinated, that is sufficient too.

Are you not sure if you have to get tested for entering the UM Alumni Day? Testing is only necessary if you are a non-EU inhabitant, are not fully vaccinated or if you don’t have a recent proof of recovery. Follow the diagram underneath.


Will we see you there?

Choose your favourite activities and register now.
The UM Alumni Office is looking forward to meeting you on 4 September 2021!

Do you have any questions?
Please send an e-mail to We are happy to help.