Applying for scholarships

We offer the following research scholarships:

  1. Scholarship for SHE PhD trajectory
  2. Scholarship for SHE course Writing a PhD research proposal
  3. Scholarship for Research costs
  4. Scholarship for Biennial SHE Academy
1. Scholarship for SHE PhD trajectory

2. Scholarship for SHE course Writing a PhD research proposal

SHE offers a course on writing a PhD research proposal, in which participants learn how to write a high-quality PhD research proposal consisting of a series of studies expected to be of interest to an international audience. The course consists of a one-week campus-based module and a distance-based module. For more information on the course, see here

Requirements to applicants

Applicants must meet the admission requirements of the course “Writing a PhD research proposal”. Preference will be given to graduates from the SHE Master of Health Professions Education (MHPE) (this includes graduates from the SHE MHPE partner programmes in USA and Canada). After completion of the course, applicants are expected to submit their PhD proposal to the SHE PhD programme. Note there is an annual fee and other costs involved in the SHE PhD programme.

Number of available scholarships

Two scholarships are available each year (one scholarship per application round). Under similar circumstances, preference will be given to applicants from low- or middle-income countries (as defined by the OECD).

What is covered?

Course tuition fee.

Documents that must be submitted for application

  • Curriculum Vitae, which includes information about:
    • Academic writing skills
    • (Basic) research skills
    • Experience/expertise in (health professions) education
  • Master’s certificate
  • Scientific writing sample: scientific publication(s), or Master’s thesis
  • For MHPE graduates: your Master’s thesis and a letter of support from your thesis supervisor
  • Statement of purpose (max 1000 words), which includes:
    • Your motivation for participating in the course and in the PhD programme 
    • Your research ideas for the PhD project and how this relates to the SHE research program 
    • Reasons for applying for the scholarship (including description of your funding context) 
  • A letter of approval from your employer stating that your employer supports you in:
    • Undertaking the course “Writing a PhD research proposal”;
    • Allocating at least two days a week to work on the PhD project during the course;
    • Collecting data within the institution where you are employed, if applicable.
  • A proof of English proficiency (if applicable; see language requirements)

Language requirements

Please note: No additional evidence of sufficient command of the English language is required from applicants who: 

  • Are native speakers of the English language, or
  • Have successfully completed a Bachelor or Master of Science at a Dutch or Flemish university or professional education programme, or
  • Have successfully completed a Bachelor or Master of Science at a university or professional education programme in one of the following countries: Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of America. 

All other non-native speaking applicants should enclose a copy of an IELTS test (International English Language Testing System (IELTS), TOEFL Test (Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL IBT Test), or Cambridge test that is no older than 5 years at the start of the programme.

  • Applicants must submit an average IELTS score of at least 6.5 or higher and the score on each component (listening, reading, writing, and speaking) should be equal to 6 or higher. 
  • The total TOEFL score should be at least 90 (out of 120) and a minimum of 20 for each component (listening, reading, writing, and speaking) is required.
  • The Cambridge test score should be: CAE, grade C. 

Selection criteria

  • The CV demonstrates skills and experience in (health professions) education practice and research 
  • The scientific article(s) or Master’s thesis demonstrate academic writing skills
  • The statement of purpose demonstrates the candidates’ commitment to the course and clearly and convincingly explains the reasons for applying for the scholarship
  • The research ideas significantly align with the SHE Research program 
  • The applicant meets the admission requirements of the course “Writing a PhD research proposal”, including a letter from employer and a proof of language proficiency
  • The applicant works in an academic environment in health professions education and intends to continue working there for the duration of the course and PhD programme

Application deadline

October 1, 2024 (to start in the March 2025 edition of the course “Writing a PhD research proposal”). 

Email all documents to SHE office manager Nicky Verleng with a copy to

Decision date

December 31, 2024


  • One scholarship is available for each application round (October and May). Applicants who do not receive the scholarship can reapply once. 
  • Applicants may be invited for a selection interview.

3. Scholarship for research costs

During the PhD research project, SHE PhD candidates need funding to cover costs related to their research, such as courses to improve specific research skills, conference visits to present their research, and article processing charges to publish their research work. Also, data collection and analysis may give rise to costs, for example related to materials to conduct experiments, participant fees, audio or video equipment to record interviews and observations, questionnaire printing, or assistance in qualitative and quantitative data processing. These situations present extra costs that are not always covered by PhD candidates’ existing budgets. Therefore, SHE offers the opportunity to cover (part of) such costs. 

Requirements to applicants

SHE PhD candidates who do not receive funding from SHE for their PhD studies. Under similar circumstances, preference will be given to candidates from low- or middle-income countries (as defined by the OECD).

Number of available scholarships

Each year, eight scholarships are available (up to €2000 each).

What is covered?

This scholarship covers four types of research costs:

  • Project-related research costs, e.g. technical equipment, data processing and transcription
  • Costs for coursework at PhD level, e.g. course tuition fee
  • Publication costs, e.g. Article Processing Charge (APC)
  • Travel and accommodation costs for research-related travel, including
    • Conference visit (and conference fee)
    • Research visit to SHE in Maastricht

Documents that must be submitted for application

  • Motivation letter
  • Curriculum Vitae 
  • Support letter from PhD supervisor
  • Specified budget including explanation and justification

Selection criteria

Applications will be evaluated based on the motivation letter, the support letter, the explanation and justification of the requested budget, and the alignment of the application with the SHE Research program.

Application deadline

October 1, 2024. 

Email all documents to SHE office manager Nicky Verleng with a copy to

Decision date

December 31, 2024.


  • Four scholarships are available for each application round (October and May). Candidates who do not receive the scholarship can reapply once with the same request. 
  • Candidates can reapply for this scholarship with a different request once.  

4. Scholarship for biennial SHE Academy

Biennially, SHE organises the community-building and research conference ‘SHE Academy’, in which SHE PhD candidates and SHE faculty researchers join to discuss their research, take research skills workshops and participate in networking activities. PhD candidates can apply for a scholarship that covers travel to SHE Academy and accommodation. More information on SHE Academy 2025 will follow soon on the website.

Requirements to applicants

SHE PhD candidates who do not receive funding from SHE for their PhD studies. Under similar circumstances, preference will be given to candidates from low- or middle-income countries (as defined by the OECD).

Number of available scholarships

For SHE Academy 2025, two scholarships will be awarded.

What is covered?

Travel and accommodation up to a limit of €2000.

Documents that must be submitted for application

  • Motivation letter
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Support letter from PhD supervisor

Selection criteria

Applications will be evaluated based on the motivation letter and the support letter.

Application deadline

October 1, 2024 (to start in the March 2025 edition of the course “Writing a PhD research proposal”). 

Email all documents to SHE office manager Nicky Verleng with a copy to

Decision date 

December 31, 2024


Two scholarships are available for SHE Academy 2025. Candidates who do not receive the scholarship can reapply for the next SHE Academy edition.