
In any market, firms face at least two major challenges. One challenge is to acquire inputs and transform these into products or services. Companies must strive to optimise this process in order to stand the test of competition in the market place. A second challenge is to find ways to deal with ever-changing market conditions. This requires efficient allocation of resources and the ability to change internal processes and organisational structures. The firm can, therefore, be seen as an agent operating in a complex and ever-changing market environment as well as an organisation of agents shaping market conditions and continuously adapting to changes in the business environment. To successfully face these challenges, firms formulate strategies. The leading view in our research programme is that the firm is neither just a black box nor only a collection of distinct entities. Rather, we consider it to be an open system.

This view is reflected in the multidisciplinary nature of our research, which is positioned in GSBE, the Graduate School of Business and Economics of the Maastricht University School of Business and Economics. We promote high quality research in the areas of Industrial Organisation and Entrepreneurship, International Business and Strategic Management, Organisational Theory and Behavior as well as the interrelationships between these disciplines. In all these fields, our faculty publishes regularly in internationally renowned journals such as: Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, International Economic Review, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Management, Journal of Monetary Economics, Management Science, RAND Journal of Economics, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Business and Economics Statistics, Review of Economics and Statistics.