Education Obstetrics and Gynaecology

If you are interested in performing research in the field of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, a number of different opportunities are offered through the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences.

Bachelor programmes: ‘minor’ (6 weeks) and ‘major’ stages (12 weeks) for students in their third year of the programme in Biomedical Sciences/ Molecular Life Sciences (Moleculaire levenswetenschappen) can be performed in our laboratories to familiarise with our research lines and technologies employed.

Arts-Klinisch Onderzoeker (A-KO) and Master Biomedical Sciences
For students in the master programme A-KO and the programme Biomedical Sciences different kinds of internships are offered.

Wetenschapsparticipatie stage (WESP-stage) is offered for a period of eighteen weeks. In this time, the student can participate to the different scientific projects running in our department. Besides, students can also perform a gezondheidszorgparticipatie stage (GEZP-stage), which is focused on the patient care in our department. 

Master students of the programme Biomedical Sciences are offered ‘junior’ (12-22 wks practical training in year one) and ‘senior’ stages (±30 wks practical training in the second year).

If you want to join any of our research activities within one of the aforementioned stages, do not hesitate to contact us (Gyn, IVF, Maastricht Endometrium).

Additional educational activities can be found on the website of GROW and the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences