Posting a Vacancy

Current vacancies at Maastricht University are published on the website Academic Transfer This is a national vacancy site for Dutch universities, research institutions and academic hospitals.

Are you a NUTRIM employee and do you want to post a vacancy?

Please use this form and send the information to Patrick van Gorp with a cc to the head of your department. In the table below, please check which attachments you have to include to your e-mail. Attachments please in pdf, except for the recruitment text (in word).

* only in case of 1st appointment, this does not apply to extension of existing appointment.
**  for privacy reasons, send the report of the assessment form to HR, not as an attachment to the vacancy form.



Employment contract    

Guest agreement

Student Assistant

External employee



Paid student ass. UM


CVIf candidate is known*If candidate is known*Yes*Yes* Yes* 
Concerning information formEmployment reg. form*Employment reg. form* 

Ext. Employment reg. form


Infor. form Interns*


Stud. ass. infor. form*





If candidate is known*If candidate is known*Yes* Yes*  



 Written in e-mail to school Written in e-mail to school Written in e-mail to schoolWritten in e-mail to school

Payroll tax form


    If paid (click here)*Click here 
Assessment interview** + request department chairIn case of permanent appointment or promotion      
Residence permit, if already presentIf no Dutch passportIf no Dutch passport  If no Dutch passportIf no Dutch passport 

Proof of financial means


 If no Dutch passport  If unpaid and no Dutch passport  
Project descriptionIf PhD student*If PhD student*     

Vacancy text for Academic Transfer 


If there is no candidate yet*

SjabloonNL TemplateEN

Registration form FHML PhD student

If PhD student* and candidate known (click here


If PhD student* and candidate known (click here) If PhD student* and candidate known (click here)   
Financial guaranteeIf applicable      
Checklist: targeted periodic occupational health examination

Yes* (click here)