MCICM News, Articles and Press


  • The final report of the join AHRC Classical Music Network, a joint project between the Sheffield Performer & Audience Research Centre (SPARC) and MCICM, is now available. During this poject, the network aimed to understand how classical music forms part of the arts scence in different cities...

  • The Maastricht Centre for the Innovation of Classical Music hosted the workshop ‘Digital tech meets classical music’ together with The Plant at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences on 30 May 2024. Participants included researchers and students from FASoS, teachers from Conservatorium Maastricht and Zuyd...

  • On 3 and 4 April 2024, Philzuid hosted the concert ‘Philstories” at Opus 9 in the Mariaberg neighborhood. Together with Prof. dr. Peter Peters and dr. Veerle Spronck, musicians and staff of Philzuid contacted residents and neighborhood organizations in Mariaberg. During dinners, meetings and cycling...

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