People of MILE

Meet the the members of the project team below.

Chair Holder & Associate Professor
Lilian Tsourdi

Sarah Tas

Member of the Chair Team & Assistant Professor

Sarah is an Assistant Professor of European and Comparative Administrative Law, in the Public Law Department at Maastricht University. She completed her PhD on the supervision of Europol at the European University Institute (Florence). Her research focuses on the fields of Administrative law, European law, Criminal and migration law, as well as fundamental rights protection, and particularly Data Protection.

Sarah Tas

Felix Peerboom

Member of the Chair Team, Researcher & Lecturer

Felix’ work is conducted in the fields of International and European Migration/Asylum Law. His PhD-research consist of a legal scrutiny of the so-called instrumentalisation’ of migration. Aside from developing a comprehensive Public International Law-conceptualisation of this phenomenon, through three case studies, the project analyses its reported use against the EU — explaining how the EU legal framework concerning asylum, immigration and external borders is organised, in what way(s) it enables/constrains the Union and its Member States in responding to reported instrumentalisation’ practices, as well as subjecting their (proposed) responses to a human rights law scrutiny.

Felix Peerboom

Marianna Hu

Member of the Chair Team & Research Associate

Marianna is a recent graduate from the Master programme Globalisation and Law (specialisation in Human Rights) at Maastricht University. She is interested in climate-induced migration and its correlation with environmental justice. She has conducted two Master’s thesis projects on the topic. She is also engaged in EU-level projects concerning migration and diaspora. For instance, she has co-written a joint position paper on "Migration, integration, and political participation: The perspectives of young people with a migration background" as part of the ConsultingEUTH project.

Marianna Hu