Lady Justic mclj
Research institutes

Maastricht Centre of Law & Jurisprudence

The Maastricht Centre for Law & Jurisprudence (MCLJ) promotes excellence in research in the areas of legal philosophy, legal theory, (international) legal history and the intersection of these fields by holding colloquia, workshops, conferences, and other academic exchanges with a view to serving the scholarly community and society at large.


MCLJ studies law by adopting a multidisciplinary and (methodologically) pluralistic approach. Moving beyond traditional doctrinal legal research, we start from the presumption that a correct understanding of (positive) law, its meaning and its institutions, requires comprehension of the different contexts where law operates. These are the contingent historical circumstances where the legal system emerged, how positive law is embedded in broader normative-philosophical and societal debates on customary law, constitutionalism, democracy, human rights and the rule of law or the functioning of law (or not) as a coherent system of norms.


MCLJ's research mainly takes place in the following pillars:

1.    Global Justice
2.    Institutional Transformation
3.    Globalising Markets
4.    Law and Technology


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  • 02 Jul 31 Dec
    14:00 - 17:00

    ITEM/SVB Informationsessions

    The Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border cooperation and Mobility (ITEM) and the Bureau for Belgian and German Affairs of the Social Insurance Bank (SVB) are organizing regularly information sessions.  

  • 03 Jul
    10:00 - 19:00

    Public Procurement: A key tool to reach sustainability in Europe and beyond

    This conference aims to serve as a dynamic platform to discuss how public procurement can contribute to sustainable growth, responsible business conduct and respect for labour and human rights in production processes.